First Communion

In preparation for the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist / First Communion, the following must occur:

  1. Your child must be Baptized, and be in the 3rd grade or older.
  2. Made their First Confession / Penance.
  3. Your child must have attended one full year of CCD/Religious education instruction prior to this year.
  4. Know, understand, and orally say their prayers. Each child will receive a prayer booklet with all the prayers they are required to learn.
  5. Children cannot be absent from Religious Education classes more than 4 times. An absence includes being taken out early for sporting events, etc.
  6. Receive the Sacremnet of Penance just prior to their Firs Communion.
  7. Attend Mass weekly. Have Father sign and date your bulletin, make sure your name and grade is clearly written on it. If you are out of town, and cannot attend Mass at St. Rose of Lima, please bring a bulletin signed by a Priest or Deacon from the Church you visited.

Responsibilities of the parent(s) / guardian(s):

  1. Attend the parent / guardian Sacrament class in September.
  2. Provide a copy of the child’s Baptismal certificate.
  3. Study the First Communion test. Your child will take the test in Janurary and a copy will be sent home to study for the final test.
  4. Use the Prayer booklet at home to help your child learn their prayers. This is a beutiful opportunity to pray together as a family.
  5. Practice receiving Communion. It is a good idea to model how to receive Commuion at home. We will go over this at the class in September.
  6. Take your child to confession just prior to the Communion date.
  7. Keep in mind that preparing for this very important Sacrement takes time and practice. This means that it is extremely important not to miss class. For this reason, your child is only allowed four absences.
  8. Take your child to Mass weekly. There will be a sign in sheet at the back of the Church. If you are unable to attend Mass at St. Rose of Lima, please bring a bulletin signed by a Priest or Deacon from the Church you visited. If you are unble to attend Mass, please speak with Suzanne Ortega to discuss a way to make up the missed Mass.


The Eucharist in the Catholic Church is a sacrament celebrated as "the source and summit" of the Christian life. The Eucharist is celebrated daily during the celebration of Mass, the eucharistic liturgy.

For more information on the Eucharist, click here.