Diocese of Tucson
Father Miguel Mariano | 520-792-3410
catcher@diocesetucson.org | www.diocesetucson.org/vocations.html
Loving and generous God,
We need more vocations to the priesthood.
Send us faith filled servants to minister as dedicated and loving priests in
in the Dioceses of Tucson.
Inspire us with your Holy Spirit so that we will
encourage and foster a culture of vocations
in which many will hear your call
to serve your people.
Bless our Diocese with men and women
who will work together with your priests
as deacons, religious and lay leaders
to bring to life the Gospel
and to realize the Church's mission
in our Diocese.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
From the moment of Jesus' conception in the womb of Mary until his Resurrection, he was filled with the Holy Spirit. In biblical language, he was anointed by the Holy Spirit and thus established by God the Father as our high priest. As Risen Lord, he remains our high priest. ...While all the baptized share in Christ's priesthood, the ministerial priesthood shares this through the Sacrament of Holy Orders in a special way.
Ordination to the priesthood is always a call and a gift from God. Christ reminded his Apostles that they needed to ask the Lord of the harvest to send laborers into the harvest. Those who seek priesthood respond generously to God's call using the words of the prophet, "Here I am, send me" (Is 6:8). This call from God can be recognized and understood from the daily signs that disclose his will to those in charge of discerning the vocation of the candidate.
For more information on the Holy Orders, click here.