CCD / Religious Education
2024-25 Registration for Religious Education
(RE) will begin August 10 after all Masses in Room St. Mark.
August 10/11 August 17/18 August 24/25
August 31/September 1 September 7/8
Please register after Mass on these dates to also sign sacrament contracts, hear where teachers are needed, and receive Safe Environment handout and sign for it. Fees and scheduled class times are posted below. If payment of the fee is a hardship, see Madona or Fr Nicodemus immediately to arrange to make payments, or receive a waiver. This must be done soon so books and materials can be purchased. If there are not enough teachers and aides, children who are registered last will wait until a parent volunteers to teach. If you have questions, call 928-965-5223 after 3PM.
K-8th classes begin Sept. 9-12
$ 35 - first child per family
$ 30 - second child per family
$ 25 - third child per family
$ 20 - fourth child per family
$ 15 - fifth child & more per family
*this fee schedule starts over for the High School Program*
Kinder & 1st Grade — Monday 4-5:15 PM
2nd & 3rd Grade — Tuesday 4-5:15 PM
4th & 5th Grade — Wednesday 4-5:15 PM
6th, 7th, & 8th Grade — Monday 7-8:15 PM
Pima 1st-4th Gr. Thurs. 4-5:15 pm at St Martin de Porres
Sacraments of Penance/Reconciliation &/or Holy Eucharist: children planning to receive a sacrament for the first time MUST be attending Mass weekly. To prove attendance from now to May; they need to get a bulletin, have Father sign it, and then turn the signed bulletin in to their RE teacher with their name and Fathers signature on it. Teachers will record the dates of signed bulletins and turn them in to me. Children also need to be attending RE classes, passing the tests, and know their prayers (Sign of the Cross, Glory Be, Hail Mary, Our Father, 7 Sacraments, TenCommandments, Act of Contrition, and Format for Penance/Reconciliation).
If you have questions, or would like to help in RE, call
Religious Education Office (928)348-4785
Director of Religious Education
Madonna Kvale